Our Mission:

To simplify Nutritional Ketosis by bringing the science, the data, and the facts to the forefront in an easy to understand format. Providing the most detailed and accurate information about the Keto Lifestyle available anywhere.

Our Model:

  • Keep it Simple and Easy! To do this we offer a membership based platform. This allows us to focus on what is important, making the Keto Lifestyle Fun & Easy!
  • Offer an environment that is dedicated to bringing you the most detailed and accurate information without all the spam, pop up ads and misinformation cluttering things up, all for less then the cost of a cup of coffee each month! We will always keep it affordable for anyone and everyone!
  • We do all the hard work and crunch the numbers for you. This allows you to focus on the finer things in life, rather then trying to track down the details of every food you eat or meal you make.

Our Story:

While grasping the concept of the ketogenic diet is easy, it often becomes overwhelming when you get down to it. Taking a lifetime’s worth of beliefs about how you should eat, then throwing it all out the window, and doing a complete 180 can be a big step to take. This is further complicated by trying to figure out what is really the “right way” to eat. The internet, news, main stream media, and even most corporate funded science is full of spam, fluff, mistruths, manipulated data and otherwise misleading information. We’ve had enough of the runaround and set out to make accurate information about Nutritional Ketosis and Healthy Eating easily available to everyone.

Understandably, at this point, most people turn a blind eye and continue down the path of what the main stream says is healthy for you. Trying to sift through all of the crap to figure out what really might be the best your health is a daunting task.

Hang in there, we are on a mission to make all of the accurate information easily accessible and easy to understand.

Our Promise:

Provide The Most Accurate Science & Data:

We strive to only publish the latest, most detailed and highly accurate information related to the Keto Lifestyle. Whenever possible we will site the source of that information with three asterisks. EX: ***. Even when information is not sited, we take great measures to ensure that the information provided is the most accurate information available at that time.

Provide The Most Accurate Food Data:

Sounds easy right? Well not exactly. With the current labeling rules, there are often hidden nutrient variables due to the allowed rounding or omissions. We go above and beyond to track down the detailed nutrient values for each food whenever possible. No more hidden Carbs.

Provide Keto Friendly Nutrition labels:

  • Our labels highlight the amount of Fat, Carbs, and Protien so they are easy to spot at a glance and we’ve added an additional field showing Net Carbs too!
  • Taking this a step further our Basic Nutrition Labels also include the Apex Keto Score showing the percent of the Fat, Net Carbs and Protein based on the caloric values.
  • Whenever possible we offer Keto Friendly Extended Nutrition Labels as well! These include additional detailed nutrition information for Fats, Minerals and Vitamins.
  • Our Nutrition Labels show the each nutrient amount in grams to the first decimal place for accuracy along with the respective percentage of the daily value that the FDA has set for a 2,000 Calorie a day diet.

Provide Great Recipes with Complete Nutrition Data:

While recipes are a dime a dozen, finding the supporting nutrition data can be nearly impossible. We are changing that one recipe at a time! Every recipe includes both our Basic and Extended Nutrition Labels.

Provide Downloadable Recipes:

Each recipe is available to view, download and/or print in the pdf format so you don’t need to bring your computer into the kitchen.

Provide Easy Food Logging:

Each food item and recipe on the site is available for you to access from Lose It! and My Fitness Pal Apps. Each Apex Keto branded item is added with the most accurate nutrition information available. This provides you with detailed daily logs, no hidden fats, carbs or proteins due to allowed rounding on labels.

Provide An Easy Reading Format:

Nothing is worse then hopping on a site to read an article or recipe only to find out its 10 pages of intermingled ads. Not only is this distracting, it can also be confusing, as some of this content is intended to blend into the page. This makes trying to research a topic or recipe a headache to say the least. While we do have the occasional ad, they are placed out of the way of the main content to prevent any confusion. They may be before or after the main content or in the sidebar.

Provide Only Limited, Keto Relevant Ads:

Any ad found on Apex Keto falls into one of two categories:

  1. It is a product we have Reviewed and Suggest in Good Faith. Meaning we not only recommend the product we also use the product.
  2. It is a product we use in our Recipes. Again, this means we use this product ourselves and truly believe it to be a good product.

All Ads found on our site are from an affiliate or partner of ours. This means that they are all relevant to the Keto Lifestyle. We hand pick each product we use and review, and intern allow to advertise on our site. By using(clicking) the ads and links you see throughout the site, to further research or to buy a product, this allows us to keep the membership costs down to only $2.00 a month!

Our Food Philosophy?

  • We use REAL FOODS in our recipes! With very few exceptions, we try to make our recipes out of nothing but real whole foods.
  • We try to avoid ALL Artificial Sweeteners. On occasion we may include one of the “healthier” sugar substitutes in a recipe, it will often be noted as optional, as we typically try to find a real food to get the job done instead.
  • Our recipes often include Frozen Vetegables for few reasons:
  1. Flash Frozen veggies, in many cases, offer a fresher more nutrient rich food source then fresh vegetables found in the typical store. Unless, of course, you live near the source of production, that veggie is in season and it is available at your local farmstand.
  2. Frozen vegetables allows for a more sustainable Keto Lifestyle as these can be stored for much longer then their fresh counterpart. This reduces spoilage and your food costs overall. Not everyone can run to a farmers market or grocery store every day.
  3. Frozen vegetables are often sold in similar size bags and available year round, allowing for easy recipe creation that minimizes waste. Fresh vegetable selections can very greatly in size and are not always readily available depending on the season or your loaction.

Our Business Model Explained:

Why is Apex Keto a membership site? Well, its pretty simple, in order to bring you the most accurate detail oriented information about Nutritional Ketosis on the web, we had two options:

We could load the site up with random ads all over the place making the site load slow, insert several more ads throughout the body content making everything really hard to read, some more in the header and footer so you can never get away from the ads chasing you, a few in the sidebars to stalk you as you scroll, and multiple popups ads and sign up forms that require you to stop and close them in order to get back to what you were doing in the first place before they pop up again…


We could charge our users a few bucks a month and focus on providing quality content!

So that being said, we decided to make Apex Keto a paid membership site with its content as the focal point! We want everyone to be able to join in on the experience, so our pricing model is very simple:

Make our membership cost less than a cup of coffee per month!

Keeping it simple, we only have One Membership Level that allows full access to all of the content and we only bill once annually to keep the cost as low as possible. The annual price you sign up at will never change as long as your account stays active. We are committed to maintaining this model as the years go by, so no unexpected surprises down the road! We hope to welcome you in as part of Apex Keto Family today!!!

Remember, This Is Not A “Diet”, But A Sustainable Lifestyle!